Friday, March 21, 2014

So removals Controversy, JYP Affirm Sunye Stay in Wonder Girls

8:30 PM

Controversy regarding the Wonder Girls Sunye decision to move to Haiti for 5 years continues to heat up. Finally back JYP Entertainment issued a statement regarding the status of Sunye in the group.

Sunye himself has written an official statement that it will not come out of the Wonder Girls despite moving to Haiti . The Netter then criticize it have to be selfish and make a career of the group is not clear. But now JYP Entertainment confirms that the Wonder Girls members Sunye fixed.

" Sunye 's own written statement on the website is correct . He will spend 5 years in Haiti with her husband to work as a volunteer , " said the spokesman . " But that does not mean leaving the Wonder Girls Sunye . Indeed he settled in Haiti but chances are he will return to Korea in the future. "

While acknowledging there is a possibility Sunye briefly return to Korea but JYP did not answer whether it will do for the move back with the Wonder Girls. " It is not true that Sunye Wonder Girls will leave due to his move to Haiti, " said spokesman again.

The spokesman did not make a statement netter relief and still criticize Sunye. Not a bit of the blame JYP for his decision to extend the contract by letting Sunye Wonder Girls. " I'm not a fan but I guess it was not the right decision, sorry for the other members, " wrote netter .

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