Friday, March 28, 2014

4Minute : HyunA It's Only Section temples in Stage

9:25 PM

4minute's HyunA is known as the sexiest member. But apparently his colleagues do not think so . The singer of " Volume Up " is actually considered a sham HyunA sexy.

The statement was made when filling 4Minute Cool MBC FM radio show. There they claimed actually really sexy and even making a joke material. " Who is the sexiest member that normally? " DJ Lee Sora asked.

" We actually cool - cool and cute, but everything is clearly far from sexy, " said Gayoon. " We watch our performances and tease each other by saying ' you pretend it sexy today', "

Answer it also provoke curiosity Lee Sora. " So who are the most tried hard to look sexy ? " He asked again that the answer is surprising.

"I think that person is HyunA, " said Gayoon. " HyunA is actually very cute and a lot of aegyo. So when he's being sexy on stage it feels funny to be seen . We tease him every day.

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