Monday, March 3, 2014

Park Min Young Turns Do not Confidence Bikini Wear

12:12 AM

Behind the appearance of the perfect Park Min Young turns out he also has a feeling of confidence. Star of the series " City Hunter " was apparently feels confident if you have to wear a bikini . Why, why ?

Min Young reveals in an interview with ' Section TV Entertainment News " on the sidelines of the shooting . There he revealed the recipe to keep the body . For him very important in maintaining the overall appearance of the body .

" It's important to pay attention to the shape of the body , " said Min Young . " Usually I move a lot of weight and eating two meals a day for three days to shoot . "

" I also have a problem in certain parts of the body that chose to cover it , " continued the former lover of Lee Min Ho 's . " Short waist so I do not look good when wearing a bikini . "

Pernyataantersebut also accompanied by a scene cuts Min Young wearing a bikini . The scene was taken from the sitcom " Unstoppable High Kick " (2006 ) which shows the interaction Min Young with Kim Bum poolside .

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