Some time ago Park Si Yeon suspected of abusing propofol or similar drugs or tranquilizers. He himself admits to wearing it yet and prescription medication. Now the star of the series "Nice Guy" was proven to have used propofol overdose illegally.
Si Yeon Seoul prosecutor indicted together with actress Jang Mi In Ae, Lee Seung Yeon and Hyun Young presenter propofol use and distribute illegally. Lawyer reveals that the Si Yeon is known to use propofol as much as 185 times during the year. While Mi In Ae 95 times, 111 times and Seung Yeon Hyun Young at least 45 times.
Based on the report, Si Yeon using as many as 185 times in the period February 2011 to December 2012. Cameo in the series "The Greatest Love" was used in the name of carboxy therapy. While other artists using the pretext botox procedure.
The prosecution would also ensnare 2 doctors and "Lee" that circulate with detention. Furthermore CEO agency also ordered the doctor to be arraigned for destroying records artist visits to the clinic. While the agency insists Si Yeon will prove that the artist is clean and innocent.
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